CHT Turkey
CHT Türkiye Sustainable Production


Now it is time to act together!

We care about sustainability;

Due to being a foundation company that has traditions, we took the topic of sustainability in addition to occupational safety, family-friendly working hours, and social responsibilities to our agenda a long time ago. Globally high-level social standards are essential for us. We fulfill the requirements and support them with stable activities.

For CHT Group, sustainability is a way to succeed with social and ecological responsibilities. For this reason, sustainability is put over in our company’s strategic and organizational structure.

What are we trying to achieve with the responsibility we take for sustainability?

  • We want to contribute to society’s social development as employees and work partners.
  • By forward thinking, we want to minimize ecological, economical, and personal risks.
  • We want to serve a sustainable product range and create new job opportunities.
  • We want to broaden our trust relationships with our shareholders.

The principle of “ We care about sustainability” is valid for all group companies, all application areas, and countries. Our aim is to serve products that will provide sustainable development and transaction solutions. Our portfolio helps us to develop solutions and products. Besides, we focus on developing solutions and products which will contribute to sustainable improvements in industrial processes.

Also, we feel responsible for being a global pioneer in sustainability being pointed by the chemistry supply chain and acting responsibly.
